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Kansas City International Airport
(identifier is MCI for domestic travelers and KMCI for
international), 1 International Circle (816)
The airport is 25-30 minutes from the Hyatt
Regency Crown Center depending on the
time of day, and 22 miles from the hotel. The airport is divided
into three terminal buildings and allows for convenient curbside
drop-off and pick-up, only a short walk from the gates.
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Currency Exchange
ATM's are located throughout the airport where
US currency can be obtained using a credit card or ATM card.
There is also an ATM machine at the Hyatt.
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Airport Transportation
Super Shuttle (800) 258-3826
Provides airport transfers for guests of Hyatt
Regency Crown Center. The KCI shuttle has a kiosk located adjacent
to each baggage claim area at the airport terminals. Arrangements
are made at the kiosks. One-way tickets are $17.00 and round-trip
tickets are $29.00. Children 12 and under are free. Tickets may be
purchased at the kiosk in each terminal, or by paying the driver.
If you do not see the kiosk, dial 5000 on the white courtesy phone
in the airport terminal for pick-up information.
Return shuttles may be picked-up from Hyatt
Regency’s front drive at 14 and 44 minutes past each hour, from 4:44
a.m. until 6:14 p.m. Evening service is available by reservation
from 6:30 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. The trip to the airport takes 35-40
minutes by shuttle, depending on the time of day. Prices for return
trips are the same as from KCI. Super Shuttle will add extra
shuttles/busses if large departures are expected in a short period
of time. These additional shuttles can be arranged through your
hotel contact.
Phones for taxi service are located both inside and outside the
terminal at each bag claim area and at other strategic locations
outside the terminal exits. Make sure that you give the dispatcher
your exact location. Fares may be pro-rated (shared) when the
originating passenger requests it and all other passengers agree.
If no cabs are available, please contact any airport police officer
or dial 5215 on any white courtesy phone.
Rates are $2.50 plus $2.10 per mile. Rates may vary due to traffic
delays and waiting time. Fare will be approximately $50 each
way to/from the Hyatt Regency Crown Center.
Agenda Kansas City (888)-243-6325
(toll free)
Provides dedicated airport transportation for
groups as well as individual guests of Hyatt Regency Crown Center.
Call to schedule specific pick-up times. Agenda Kansas City
customizes service based on your needs.
Rental cars
All rental car companies share a Rental Car Shuttle that
stops at marked shelters at terminal medians.
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Prediction - All Rights