Specific Aims
The overall objective of this effort is to convene an ongoing series
of international meetings on seizure prediction, seizure dynamics
and seizure control. The workshops provide a regular, structured
forum for the exchange of ideas, dissemination of findings, and
evaluation of metrics to gauge progress. The workshops also form
the basis for development of future collaborative projects. The
first meeting on seizure prediction was held in Bonn, Germany in
April 2002, a second meeting was held in Bethesda, USA in April
2006, and the third meeting was held in Freiburg, Germany in Sept
2007. A meeting scheduled for Paris in 2004 was not convened.
Consensus on Meetings, Topics and Guidelines
Following the Bethesda meeting, investigators from 11 institutes
(composed of 7 USA based institutes) and SEIN (Netherlands),
Salpetriere-Paris (France), University of Bonn (Germany) and
Freiburg University (Germany), were polled to gauge interest in
future meetings. There was broad consensus on key questions. First,
there was consensus on the need for regular meetings, with some
arguing that regular meetings could pace development in the
indicated fields. Suggestions on the recurrence of meetings ranged
between every 12 to every 24 months, with a majority of
investigators considering meeting recurrence every 18 months to be
adequate given the present rate of developments. Some considered it
would be valuable to meet more often when warranted by
developments. Where possible, the meetings should be full 2-3 day
standalone meetings, and where possible the meetings should
alternate between USA and Europe. Second, there was consensus the
topics to be addressed should encompass seizure predication, seizure
generation and seizure control. Third, a set of general guidelines
was drawn up to help achieve the goal of regular meetings. These
organizing principles are the following: (1) share work towards the
stated goal; (2) rotate leadership; (3) incorporate checks and
redundancy so that a meeting is not missed; (4) work towards
obtaining NIH support for regular meetings; (5) look to engage other
investigators to: (a) better represent identified topics, (b)
achieve a broader representation of institutes, (c) better general
guidelines for the involvement of women, ethnic and racial
minorities, handicapped, and junior investigators.
The three previous meetings have been funded by the American
Epilepsy Society (AES), the German Section of the International
League against Epilepsy, the German Section of the International
Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, and the NIH (NINDS).
Adjunct funding was received from companies for IWSP3.
Fourth International Seizure Prediction Meeting, June
4-7, 2009
The Fourth International Workshop on Seizure Prediction (IWSP4) was co-chaired by Ivan Osorio, Mark Frei, Susan Arthurs and Hitten
Zaveri (the Organizing Committee, OC) and hosted by the Alliance for
Epilepsy Research. The
workshop was held at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel in Kansas
City, Missouri,
June 4-7, 2009.
The OC designed a questionnaire and polled attendees of IWSP3
in fall 2007. The feedback from the attendees of IWSP3 was used to help plan IWSP4.
Summaries of the first three workshops
The First International Collaborative Workshop on Seizure
Prediction: Summary and data description
Klaus Lehnertz, PhD and Brian Litt, MD
The First International Collaborative Workshop on Seizure Prediction
was held at the Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn, in
Bonn, Germany on April 24-28, 2002. Organized by the Universities of
Pennsylvania and Bonn, and funded by grants from the American
Epilepsy Society, the German Section of the International League
against Epilepsy, and the German Section of the International
Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, the workshop was attended by
51 researchers from 16 centers in seven countries. There were four
major goals for the workshop: (1) to host a one-day didactic session
on the science of seizure prediction, with lectures by leaders in
the field; (2) to assess the current state of the field by applying
current methods used to predict seizures to a shared set of
continuous intracranial EEG data and discussing the strengths and
weaknesses of each approach; (3) to establish a consensus on minimal
data requirements, a common nomenclature, and objective methods for
comparing system performance across platforms and laboratories for
seizure prediction research; and most importantly (4) to establish a
multi-laboratory, international working group dedicated to
understanding seizure generation and making on-line, prospective
seizure prediction a reality. Following the didactic course, each
participating group presented their results, after applying their
seizure prediction methods to five common data sets agreed upon in
advance and distributed before the meeting. What follows is a
description of the shared data set used for analysis, a summary of
the major discussion points from the workshop, and points of
consensus among the group. The brief discussion serves as a common
introduction to the research papers that follow in this issue, and
the description of the shared data is referenced in each of these
papers. Participants in the workshop are listed at the end of the
Conclusions section, in alphabetical order.
PMID: 15721063 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Clin Neurophysiol.
2005 Mar;116(3):493-505. Epub 2005 Jan 5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15721063
Second International Workshop on Seizure Prediction
Leonidas Iasemidis, PhD, Chris Sackellares, MD, Randall Stewart,
PhD, Joseph Pancrazio, PhD
Over 80 representatives from academia, industry, government and
philanthropic organizations sponsoring epilepsy research gathered
for a four-day workshop on seizure generation, prediction and
therapy in April 2006. The meeting broadened considerably the
expertise of individuals working in the field, introducing
researchers from economics, mathematics, physics, engineering,
biophysics and other related disciplines who had not previously been
involved in research in this area. Discussions were lively, and a
number of key issues limiting progress in the field were
identified. These included focusing on tangible, answerable
questions, applications and methods that can produce useful results,
if not complete solutions to the problem. New, very promising data
were presented on broad-band EEG and closed-loop control applied to
understanding seizure generation and antiepileptic therapy. Old
disagreements regarding controversial methods were presented and
dealt with openly. There was consensus that as of the date of the
meeting, no solution to prospective seizure prediction, as the
problem has been formulated in the past, was in hand. There was
tremendous enthusiasm for continued collaborative work in this
field, and the promise of new approaches and methods to come up with
practical diagnostic and therapeutic solutions for patients. The
meeting adjourned following agreement by all participants that these
workshops should continue every 1.5 years, alternating between the
United States and Europe. All participants felt that the meeting
was a great success, and thanked our hosts at NINDS for their
International Workshop on Epileptic Seizure Prediction
Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Jens Timmer and Björn Schelter

The 3rd International Workshop on Seizure Prediction in Epilepsy was
held from September 29th to October 2nd, 2007 in Freiburg, Germany.
There were 142 participants. The workshop was not dedicated to
Seizure Prediction alone but to all research areas that are related
to seizure prediction. Thus, the topics ranged from modeling single
cell behavior via modeling complex networks to ready to apply
seizure prediction techniques and the performance evaluation
thereof. Talks and posters providing an overview of the state of the
art in their fields were complemented by presentations of more
recent results. Experts in seizure detection and seizure control
also contributed to the workshop. The 3rd Workshop was partially
funded through a conference grant from NINDS (1R13NS060623-01).