Publications from IWSP4:
The book, "Epilepsy: The Intersection of Neurosciences,
Biology, Mathematics, Engineering and Physics," containing
proceedings from IWSP4 and the Sanibel Symposium (Nocturnal Frontal
Lobe Epilepsy: An Interdisciplinary Perspective) was released in May
2011 by CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group.
Epilepsy: The
Intersection of Neurosciences, Biology, Mathematics,
Engineering and Physics, Editors: Osorio I, Zaveri HP,
Frei MG, Arthurs S, CRC Press, 2011. Link
to CRC Press. Also available at
Three manuscripts were published in Epilepsy and Behavior:
- Zaveri HP, Frei MG, Arthurs S, Osorio I, Seizure
prediction: The Fourth International Workshop, Epilepsy
and Behavior, 19(1):1-3, 2010.
- Frei MG, Zaveri HP, Arthurs S, Bergey GK, Jouny C, Lehnertz
K, Gotman J, Osorio I, Netoff TI, Freeman WJ, Jefferys
J, Worrell G, Le Van Quyen M, Schiff SJ, Mormann F,
Controversies in epilepsy - debates held during the Fourth
International Workshop on Seizure Prediction, Epilepsy
and Behavior, 19(1):4-16, 2010.
- Arthurs S, Zaveri HP, Frei MG, and Osorio I, Patient
and caregiver perspectives on seizure prediction,
Epilepsy and Behavior, 19(3):474-7, 2010.

Mark your calendars for the
5th International Workshop on Seizure Prediction

Click here to download a flyer for IWSP5.

Click here for Post IWSP4 Participant Survey Results
The Fourth
International Workshop on Seizure Prediction (IWSP4) was hosted in
Kansas City on June 4-7, 2009 by the Alliance for Epilepsy Research.
A total of 154 investigators, of which 37 were students,
participated in the workshop. The investigators were from 17
countries and included members of academic groups and industry
representatives. Funding for the workshop was received from
foundations, government agencies, industries, university and
hospital partners and individuals. Eleven investigators were
nominated as Women, Minority or Junior Investigators, and received
fellowships funded by NIH to defray participation costs.
The workshop consisted, in the main, of the
following sessions:
Didactic Sessions. Two parallel didactic sessions composed of
6 one-hour lectures were convened on the first day of the workshop,
one session on engineering, math and physics for physicians and one
on epilepsy for non-physicians. The parallel didactic sessions were
followed by a joint didactic session of 3 one-hour lectures for all
participants. The purpose of the 3 didactic sessions with 15
one-hour lectures was to bring the diverse participants to a common
understanding of the problem of seizure prediction, detection and
control and the solutions being proposed.
Challenge of Seizure Prediction. Four keynote speakers with
expertise in disciplines that rely heavily on prediction were
invited to help those working on seizure prediction better
understand the challenges inherent to this endeavor and expose them
to certain approaches and tools that may be used in epilepsy to
fulfill the aim of predicting seizures. The topics discussed
included what makes the behavior of a system predictable, seismic
prediction, prediction in materials and finance, non-linear brain
dynamics of complex partial seizures and synchronization in complex
State of Seizure Prediction. Presentations were made by
representatives of 25 academic and industry groups conducting work
in seizure prediction and related fields. The State of Seizure
Prediction session was composed of four parts: Seizure Prediction
and Detection I and II, Seizure Generation, and Seizure Control.
Seizure Prediction Competition. A competition was conducted
on data within the Freiburg EEG database and the participation of
three academic groups in the competition was recognized.
Poster Presentations. An open invitation was issued to
investigators to submit posters to IWSP4 and 43 posters were
accepted for presentation. The posters were displayed during Days
2-4 of the workshop and a special session was dedicated to the
poster presentations at the end of Day 3. Two posters (one each in
clinical and basic science fields) were selected as the best posters
by 6 independent poster judges and the authors of these posters were
presented with an award.
Debates. Six debates were held on the final day of the
workshop. Twelve investigators were selected to debate the 6 issues,
and the audience was allowed to participate during an open session
during each debate. The debates allowed discussion and clarification
of key issues.
In addition to the above 6 sessions there were
a technology session with two presentations which discussed advances
in technology for brain implantable devices; an industry session
with presentations and discussion by a panel composed of
representatives from 6 companies and a university technology
transfer office; a presentation on collaborative efforts to create
an intracranial EEG database; a patient perspectives session where a
survey of patient viewpoints was presented; and a consensus session
where workshop participants discussed IWSP4, the workshop series,
and progress towards seizure prediction and control. Chairs for the
different sessions were international experts in the different
At the end of Day 2 there was an entertainment
session at the American Jazz Museum and Negro Leagues Baseball
Museum featuring Kansas City barbeque and jazz. IWSP4 sponsors were
recognized during the entertainment session.
The workshop was very well received based on
informal discussions and initial feedback.
Click here for the results of a formal survey of
For presentations that are available online,
click here
to go to the Program page.
For more
information about this collaborative effort and on the first three workshops click
on the background tab at the left.

Funding for this conference was
made possible in part by Grant Number R13NS065535 from the National
Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke (NINDS), Office of
Rare Disease Research (ORDR) and National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development (NICHD). The views expressed in written
conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators
do not necessarily represent the official views of the NINDS, ORDR,
NICHD or National Institutes of Health (NIH) and do not necessarily
reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human
Services; nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or
organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Copyright 2009-2011 - Fourth International Workshop on Seizure
Prediction - All Rights